CuSn6 - UNS.C51900 Phosphor Bronze Alloys

CuSn6 - UNS.C51900 Phosphor Bronze Alloys

Lintlha le Likopo tsa C51900:
C51900 Phosphor Bronze

CuSn6 – UNS.C51900Phosphor Bronze Alloys, e leng 6% ea tin bronze e khetholloang ka motsoako o motle haholo oa matla le motlakase oa motlakase. E sebelisoa bakeng sa sehokelo le liliba tse tsamaisang hona joale ho likhokahanyo. Har'a 4-8% tin bronze C51900 e bonts'a boleng bo phahameng ba motlakase, matla a phahameng ka ho fetisisa a fihlellehang a phahame haholo ho feta C51100 le C51000. Ka mokhoa o eketsehileng oa ho halefa ka mor'a hore ho be le serame sa ho theha, ho khona ho ka ntlafatsoa le ho feta.
Ts'ebetso ea eona e lekaneng e etsa hore e thahasellise ka ho khetheha bakeng sa likarolo tsa springy conductive. Ha e felle, e na le khanyetso e ntle haholo ea kutu 'me e ka rekisoa habonolo. Ka lebaka la matla a phahameng le springiness le ts'ebetso e ntle ea ho sebetsa, C51900 e sebelisetsoa mefuta eohle ea liliba hammoho le li-hoses tsa tšepe tse tenyetsehang. Ntle le moo, e sebelisoa indastering ea pampiri, ea masela, ea masela le ea lik'hemik'hale, hammoho le kahong ea likepe, boenjiniere ba mechini le tlhahiso ea lisebelisoa tsa ts'ebetso.

Kopo e Tloaelehileng ea C51900 Phosphor Bronze Alloys
Motlakase:Likarolo tse hatisitsoeng,liliba, Likarolo tsa Boenjiniere ba Motlakase, Li-terminals,Mabitso,Fetola likarolo, Electromechanical Spring Components, Resistance Wire, Motlakase Flexing Contact Blades, Lihokelo tsa Motlakase, Lihokelo tsa Elektroniki, Librashe tsa terata, Likarolo tsa lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki le tse nepahetseng, Li-Fuse Clips, Masakana a Terminal, Kettles, Lipitsa, maqephe a Perforated, likarolo tsa mochini oa masela.
Indasteri:Bellows, Mechini ea masela, Lishiti tse Perforated, Chemical Hardware, Truss Wire, Mechanical Springs, Sleeve Bushings, Diaphragms, Clutch Disks, Bourdon Tubes, Beater Bar, Welding Rods, Likarolo tse arabelang Khatello, Likarolo tsa ho fafatsa, likarolo tsa koloi.
Boholo bo fumanehang:
Custom Diameter & Sizes, Random Mill bolelele

Lihlahisoa tse Teng (liforomo):
Litšepe tse chitja, li-Flat bars, li-Square bar, lithapo tse chitja, li-Round Strips
Libopeho tse ikhethileng lia fumaneha ha u li kopa.

Sebopeho sa Lik'hemik'hale:

Sn: 5.50-7.00%
P: 0.03-0.35%
Zn: 0.30% Max.
Fee: 0.10% Max.
Pb: 0.05% Max.
Zn: Ho leka-lekana

Hlokomela:Keketso ea koporo hammoho le 99.50% bonyane.

Maemo a Tloaelehileng:

Matla a Khoheli a khethehileng: 8.80 g/cm3
Coefficient of Thermal Katoloso ho °C: 18.50 x 10-6 (20-300°C)
Tšebeliso ea Motlakase (% IACS): 15.50 % @ 68 F
Thermal Conductivity: 38.00 Btu · ft/(hr · ft2·oF) ho 68F
Modulus ea Elasticity ka tsitsipano: 16000 ksi

1). diyuniti li ipapisitse le moetlo oa US.
2). thepa e tloaelehileng ea 'mele e sebetsa ho lihlahisoa tse thatafalitsoeng ke lilemo.

Tlhaloso ea Machaba:

Lithupa/Libara/Mekhoa:UNS.C51900, CDA519, ASTM B139, B103, B888, B159
Maemo a Europe:CuSn6, JIS C5191, CW 452 K, PB 103

ASTM:Mokhatlo oa Amerika oa Liteko le Lisebelisoa
RWMA:Mokhatlo oa Resistance Welder Manufacturers' Association
Hlokomela:Ntle le ha ho boletsoe ka tsela e 'ngoe, thepa e tla hlahisoa ho DIN & RWMA.

Thepa ea Mechini:

Thepa e qaqileng ea Mechanical Properties e tla fumaneha ka kopo ho tsoa ho bareki.

Nako ea poso: Jul-30-2021